Refreshing a room or a piece of furniture can be as easy as applying a new coat of paint. But it’s important to know what’s already on the surface before you paint.
Some paints don’t react well to each other, such as matt and silk paints. However, it is possible to paint matt over silk.
You can use matt paint over silk paint with some preparation. You can sand down the silk paint to give it a rough texture to which the matt paint can adhere. Or, you can apply a coat of primer before the matt paint which will help bond the two finishes together.
What Happens If You Paint Matt Over Silk?
If you don’t do any prep work beforehand, using matt paint over silk can lead to undesirable results.
The most common issue is the matt paint cracking as it dries. This is due to the fact that silk and matt paint have different flexibilities.
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When you apply matt paint directly on top of silk, it rehydrates the silk paint. This causes it to expand, then contract as both paint layers dry.
Because matt paint is more brittle, the contraction beneath it causes it to crack. The expansion of the silk paint can also create bubbles in the matt coat.
These bubbles sometimes disappear as the silk paint contracts again. Other times, they can lead to more cracking.
You Can Paint Matt Over Silk
Painting over a silk surface with matt paint doesn’t always have to be a disaster, though. You can paint matt over silk as long as you do the proper preparation.
One of the most common solutions is to sand the silk paint down before applying the matt paint. The other method is to apply a primer that acts as a bond between the two paints.
How To Paint Matt Over Silk: Sanding Method
While time-consuming, this is a very simple method to prepare your walls for matt paint. Sand, then clean!
What You’ll Need
- 100 grit sandpaper
- Hand sander or orbital sander
- Cleaning cloth
- Face mask
- Paint tray (optional)
- Paintbrush or paint roller
- Protective plastic or cloth sheets
- Matt paint
1. Protect Your Surfaces
Laying down plastic sheets or drop cloths before you start your project will make clean-up a lot easier.
Place them on your floors and any objects you want to protect from dust and paint splatters.
2. Sand The Satin Paint Away
Wearing a face mask, sand away the glossy surface of the satin paint from your surface. You can do this by hand or with an orbital sander.
An orbital sander will make the job quicker, but be sure to sand the entire surface. You don’t want to rush and miss a patch of satin that will then ruin your matt paint later.
You can use between a 60 and 120 grit sandpaper, but 100 grit is a safe option for many surfaces. For more tips on sanding, check out the video below.
3. Clean The Surface
Using a damp cleaning cloth, wipe down your newly sanded surface. Be sure not to soak the surface with water. This will not only take longer to dry but could damage or warp the surface below.
Let the surface dry completely before adding your matt paint.
4. Apply The Matt Paint
Using a paintbrush or a roller and tray, apply your chosen matt paint to your surface. Apply two to three coats but be sure each one is completely dry before moving on to the next.
Also, avoid applying thick coats. Thin coats of paint will dry faster and be more durable.
With a thick coat, the lower layers might not be completely dry when you add the next coat.
While the final coat is drying, you can clean up your drop cloths or plastic sheets.
How To Paint Over Silk With Matt Paint: Primer Method
If you don’t want to deal with the time, effort, and mess of sanding, try using a quality primer.
Adding a layer of flexible, waterproof primer between the silk and matt paints will prevent any cracking and bubbling.
The flexibility will allow it to dry smoothly over the silk. In addition, the water-resistant quality will keep the moisture from the matt paint from sinking into the silk.
What You’ll Need
- Water-resistant primer paint for glossy surfaces
- Paint tray (optional)
- Paintbrush or paint roller
- Protective plastic or cloth sheets
- Matt paint
1. Protect Your Surfaces
If painting inside or near objects on which you don’t want to get paint, lay down some plastic or cloth sheeting.
This will prevent any drips or splatters from going where you don’t want them.
2. Paint Over The Satin With Primer
Apply primer over the satin paint. Depending on the size of your surface, you can use a paintbrush or a paint roller and tray.
Two to three coats are best and be sure to apply thin coats rather than thick. Make sure the primer is completely dry before you apply the matt paint.
3. Apply The Matt Paint Over The Primer
Once the primer is totally dry, you can apply your chosen matt paint using the same methods as above.
Then you can remove all of your protective sheets or cloths from the area while you wait for the final coat to dry.
In Conclusion
Applying matt over silk directly can lead to bubbling, cracking, and a generally undesirable finish. The rigidity of matt paint just doesn’t react well to the expansion and contraction of the silk beneath it.
But with a little prep work, there are a couple of ways to paint matt over silk. You can either sand away the satin before painting again, or apply a primer between the two paints.
Either way, you won’t have to worry about unsightly cracks in the top matt coat.